Communication: The
Power and Peril of Truth
“We have to work on our communication.” Such is the human condition. Godly communication—the bedrock of healthy
and constructive relationship—is not easy.
As sinners in a fallen world, there are any number of obstacles that
must be overcome if we are to communicate well and build intimate relationships
that glorify our Lord.
The women of Perisseia--Windsor Chapel's women's growth group-- will spend several weeks this Fall
examining communication in general and the role of truth in Godly communication
in particular. We will work together to
discover how to apply truth to the relationships in our lives so that they
fulfill God’s purposes and enable us to bless and be blessed.
All women are invited to participate in this eight-week
series, September 20-November 8.
Meetings are on Thursday evenings at Windsor Chapel in the Chapel House,
7:00-8:30 pm. No commitment or
preparation is necessary—please come when you can and as you are able. For more information, please contact Cindy
Bills (;