When I was a beginning Greek student, I was strongly
cautioned against a common error in translating and interpreting God’s
Word: When encountering a Greek word
that has become part of the English language, it is critically important to not
practice reverse translation, i.e. to use our understanding of an English word
to assign meaning/connotation to its Greek forerunner. For sure, this is excellent advice. But there is, I believe, merit to considering
how we have taken Greek words and incorporated them into our vocabulary
culture. A good candidate for this is
the Greek word dunamis. It is the word upon which our word dynamite
is based.
We all know what dynamite is. It is a concentrated source of incredible
power. Dynamite can provide power for
human use and for human purposes.
Dynamite is explosive and dangerous.
Dunamis appears
well over 100 times in the New Testament.
Aside from its obvious translation, “power,” it is translated,
“wonderful works,” “mighty works,” “ability,” “miracle,” and “strength.” Dunamis
is the power that enabled a virgin to give birth to God Incarnate. It is the power that fueled the ministry of
John the Baptist. Dunamis enabled Jesus and His disciples to heal, and it is
associated with the authority of Christ as He faced the hostility of Jewish
leaders. Most importantly, dunamis is the power of the resurrection
of Christ in history and the power of our resurrection in Him as we walk into
our eternal future as heirs of the kingdom of God.
Now, if we compare God’s dunamis
to our dynamite, dynamite doesn’t seem so impressive. Dynamite is power, to be sure, but it is
limited, impersonal, and imprecise. Dunamis, on the other hand, is unlimited
and eternal, personal, and often tender.
Dynamite is dangerous, and when wielded by sinful human beings, all the
more so. Dunamis, however, is that which enables our good, wise, loving, and
sovereign God to show His love to us, to bring us to Him, to enable us to do
the works for which He created us, and to complete the work He has begun in
us. Dynamite might be necessary to build
a road through a mountain, but dunamis is
the fuel for all holy construction projects.
If we return to the advice I was given as a beginning Greek
student, it is apparent that the words of caution were right on target. If we took our understanding of dynamite and
superimposed it upon our understanding of the power of God, we would be limited
by a seriously impoverished view of our God.
Fortunately, the dunamis of
God is not so limited. We can place our
hearts, lives, and eternal futures into His hands, trusting that the Lord’s dunamis is sufficient to guide and guard
us through the challenges of this life and to transform us into creatures fit
for an eternal heavenly home.
For Thine is the
kingdom and the dunamis
and the glory
forever. Amen.