Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Refined In Love

August in New Jersey.  Heat wave after heat wave.  I have never been a fan of hot weather or inclined toward sun worship.  Without a doubt, August in New Jersey is one of the tools the Lord uses to sanctify me, to expose some of my poor attitudes and lead me toward wholeness in Him.  I can’t help but associate the heat associated with this time of year with the Refiner’s fire….


Of course, August in New Jersey is not as hot as other locations, and there are many people who enjoy the hot weather.  But life as fallen people in a fallen world means that in one way or another, the Lord will use the stresses we experience to conform us to His image, to refine us.


In Biblical times, gold was refined by melting it.  That means bringing gold to a temperature of almost 2000Fahrenheit!  I am sorry to say that my trials and challenges do not need to get nearly that “hot” to expose my lack of faith and patience.  But as I deal with those trials and challenges, I can appreciate the Lord’s gentle touch and patient attitude toward me even as He uses my circumstances to prepare me for heaven.


The attitude that I bring when I encounter something I would prefer to avoid plays a vital role in my ability to walk in faith and remain in the crook of the Shepherd’s staff.  Sometimes the trials in our lives represent consequences for poor and/or disobedient choices that we’ve made.  And in this case, it is important for me to accept the correction, exercise a commitment toward repentance, and thank the Lord for not letting me remain in sin.  At other times, the challenges we face are less personal and more a reflection of the fall.  While repentance may not be in order in this case, an attitude that manifests faith—the conviction that the Lord is working good even though I am unable to see it—remains vital.


Applying a living and vibrant faith to life’s challenges does not mean minimizing or denying them.  Suffering on any level is real, and King David and the Old Testament prophets have recorded for us the distress and even despair that they experienced at times.  And that is what makes the trials we face so challenging: Satan would have us become so distracted by tribulation and so disappointed in God that we cease to seek Him.  But King David and the prophets have also recorded for us their unwavering belief in a good and sovereign God despite appearances to the contrary.  God hates the fall and its consequences!  His response is to apply His commitment to redemption to all the pain and ugliness in our lives.


To be sure, walking in faith in the midst of difficult times and circumstances is not easy.  There is Good News, though!  The Body of Christ is designed by God and her saints are called to love, uphold, and encourage one another.  As we invest in the life of the body in the form of a local church, we are able to hold and be held, encourage and be encouraged, empower and be empowered.  And as the body functions by the Lord’s design, everyone is blessed.  May it be so among all believers….