Sunday, March 2, 2025

The Lion and the Lamb

 March: In like a lion, out like a lamb.  We all know this saying.  March generally begins with cold temperatures and icy winds and then then often ends with warmer temperatures and gentle conditions.  The saying marks well the contrast represented by March as the transition month from winter to spring.


But from a Biblical perspective, the lion and lamb are not descriptions of opposites in the spectrum of weather conditions.  Instead, we read of Jesus as the Lion of Judah and the Lamb God who was slain for the redemption of the world.  The Lion and Lamb are not opposites but rather two aspects of the character of the second member of the Triune Godhead.  It is vitally important to keep those two aspects in balance as we walk before Christ in faith.


It is easy and understandable that each of us is inclined to emphasize one aspect of the Lord over the other.  Some find it easier and/or more natural to view Christ as the Lion: fearfully powerful and dangerous.  They carefully define and then obey the Bible’s commands to stay out of trouble and sometimes find comfort that those who are less obedient will encounter the strong winds of God’s judgment.  


On the other hand, there are those who focus on the Lord as the meek and gentle Lamb, led to the cross without protest, dying to redeem us.  They take comfort that Jesus is approachable and unthreatening and sometimes ignore or neglect His commands.


We know that Jesus is both Lion and Lamb: the all-powerful God of creation and final Judge as well as the meek God Incarnate who freely offered His life as a sacrifice for our sins.  These aspects of the Son of God are not opposites, and they are not in tension.  Rather, they give us binocular vision, so to speak, of our Lord and Savior.  He is the Mighty God who uses His incomprehensible power to love those whom He has created, to become the Lamb of God who freely offers Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of His creatures.  The sacrifice made by the Lamb of God then circles back, coming before the Lion of Judah’s judgement seat and acquitting believers of the sin charges against them.


Jesus is so much bigger than our minds can comprehend that He encompasses several apparent opposites: He is the Lion and the Lamb; the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End; He is full of grace and truth.  How can we live faithfully in that truth?  I believe that it is important to once again follow King David’s advice and ask the Lord to search us and know us, to reveal to us any way in which we serve ourselves rather than Him as Master.  Do we favor the imagery of the Lion of Judah or the Lamb of God as a self-serving shortcut in our walk of faith?  Can we seek to grow to embrace all aspects of our Lord and Savior?  May it be so….