A Christian for more than 40 years, I have seen the Lord faithfully work His good purposes in each moment and circumstance of my life. As a child of a perfectionist alcoholic father and a suicidal mother, I struggle moment-by-moment and day-by-day to "feel" and live the Truth that would set me free from my past and from my self tyranny. I am grateful to proclaim the gospel. The Lord is taking my pain and struggle and redeeming it in order to transform my mind and to conform me more and more to His likeness. As I have received from the Lord so do I offer to others--the truth that sets us free from sin and death and offers a life of growing freedom, peace, and joy.
I was born in Chicago and spent most of my growing-up years in Iowa. After receiving an AB in Biology from Bryn Mawr College, I married an amazing, incredible, and Godly man. Ken and I founded our lifetime marriage partnership in and upon our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, and so the adventure of marriage and family life began. My professional life started as I taught Biology and Chemistry to high school students at The Hun School of Princeton. During an extended--20 year--maternity leave, I had the privilege to mother three extraordinary children and use a variety of gifts in ministry before returning to graduate school. After earning a Master's Degree in Christian counseling, I returned to the classroom once more, teaching second, third, and fourth grade students at The Wilberforce School in Princeton. Now, as member of the American Association of Christian Counselors and as a certified Biblical Counselor, I seek to use my training and gifts to help others through counseling as the Lord and His people have helped me.